Friday, October 9, 2009

Cool Thing #4

It's not that I dislike commenting on other people's blogs, it's just that I have this fear that I will, unintentionally, say something ridiculously stupid. And then, I will have to avoid eye contact with my classmates and slump around in the hallways like some type of abused animal for fear of being rejected. But I am willing to change. I am willing to face this blog thing head on. Not only because I have to, but more importantly, because I know that it is important for me not to stay stuck in my head and fail to do one of the most important things in life-GIVE. And this is why I feel that thing #4 is so cool. Because we can give a part of ourselves away; we can leave a part of ourselves behind, like "The Cool Cat Teacher explains in her blog,"How to comment like a king (or queen)!" And while blogging and commenting can be a little scary, it forces us to "put ourselves out there", to become more open, and to get to know each other better. Yeah!

Everyone wants to be heard. Everyone wants to belong. A life lived for oneself is indeed a dreary existence, and I don't think we are here on earth to shrink back and to not participate. But, while I strongly believe this, often times I have found that it is hard for me to be the one that takes the first step. I am actively working on this.
But I want you to know, reader, that I appreciate your blog entries and your comments . . . I really mean it. But I am still working on the procrastination thing, so if I fail to respond please don't perceive me as rude or uncaring. I'm probably just in a "blogging funk",( as was identified by Darren Draper in the "Drape's takes" blog), busy writing a paper for Dr. McMahan's class or doing something really daft like watching Project Runway. But we will discuss forgiveness in another blog, OK?

Stay tuned. . .


For this thingy, I am following ALL OF YOU. . .Yeah! But I am instructed to only list 5, sorry. Anyhows, here they are:

Jessica Watson-Because she is way smarter than me, she is totally funny and she takes cool pictures. Plus, I am hoping that by reading and commenting on her blog I will magically become smarter (or at least people will perceive me to be when they read this)

Eddie Barnes-Because he speaks Latin. . .need I say more?

Natalie Dean-Because she loves the YouTube and because she makes awesome videos.

Dusty Brady-Because his blogs are interestingly funny. (I think he warped my brain with a technology laser beam).

David Rawls-Because he uses both sides of his brain at once. How does he do that?

Morgan Conwell-Because of her awesome imagination and creativity.

And Here are two of the blogs that I chose to follow outside of AP:

The Dr. Dyer Blog-Because he inspires me to be a better person.
Kid's Lit-To keep up on the latest and greatest children's books.

So, there you have it. I really hope all of you keep having fun and please, please keep blogging. Please.


  1. I demand that you respond to this comment right now!

    Why haven't you responded yet?

    Okay, that's enough silliness from me. I think we all understand being busy, and if you want to see a blogging funk, you should look at the four-month gaps that sometimes show up in my LiveJournal. Only don't, because my LJ is generally kind of depressing and hasn't been entertaining in several years.

    Point being, don't worry so much about it. We can wait. :)

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed my videos! I added a video to my Youtube post (finally) for your viewing pleasure. :)
